Our Mandate
The PEI Seafood Processors Association (PEISPA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to resolving issues common to the membership as well as providing advocacy and HR support to PEI’s seafood processing sector.
By working together, we believe we can grow the seafood sector for the benefit of fishers, communities and all Islanders. PEISPA acts as a liaison on behalf of seafood processors with federal and provincial governments, Atlantic seafood associations, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and other regulatory bodies that impact seafood processing.
The Association is guided by a Board of Directors, an Executive Director and HR and Finance support.
Board of Directors
PEISPA is governed by a four-person Board of Directors appointed by the membership. Board members have many years of leadership experience in the seafood industry.
President: Jerry Bidgood, Prince Edward Aqua Farms (peaqua.com)
Vice President: Dean Hancock, Belle River Enterprises Ltd
Secretary Treasurer: Melanie Waite, Atlantic Aqua Farms (atlanticaquafarms.com)
Past President: Jeff Malloy, Acadian Seafood Supreme (acadiansupreme.com)
Executive Director
PEISPA is managed by an Executive Director who reports to the Board of Directors. The Executive Director is responsible for the day to day operations of PEISPA and for the overall direction of the PEISPA based on input from the Board and membership.
Executive Director:
Bob Creed
PO Box 4, Station Main,
Summerside PEI, C1N 4P6
Office: (902) 324-2951
Email: ed@peispa.com
HR Support
Human Resources support is available to the PEISPA members through an HR Consultant. Services are provided in Policy Design, Performance Coaching, Recruitment Strategy, Training & Development, and HR Program Development.
HR Consultant:
Sheri Nicolle
Email: sheri@sherinicolle.ca
Finance Support
PEISPA runs many programs on behalf of its membership, some of which are co-funded with the federal and provincial governments. All financing activities such as accounts payable and receivable, claiming and membership fee administration are carried out by a finance officer.
Finance Officer:
Melanie Waite
Atlantic Aqua Farms
PO Box 4, Station Main,
Summerside, PEI C1N 4P6
Email: office@peispa.com