
HR provides support to our members through ongoing development of industry leading best people practices and policies. Collaboration through working groups to develop consistent practices and policies has been our approach – we work as a team.

Covid-19 Response Plan – April 2020

To ensure our teams have clear communication at this time and reassurance that they are working in one of the industries where standard practices afford them significant protection against Covid-19, some plants have expressed interest in working together to prepare a template of practices for their “Workplace – Covid-19 Response Plan”.

The Quality Team from each member’s facility joined a working group that developed protocols and practices to provide protection against Covid-19. The material the team created has been reviewed and approved by the PEI Chief Public Health Office, who worked in collaboration with the team during the development of the material. PEISPA Members have these COVID-19 practices in place and are working from a standard set of practices and material. Members of the PEIPSA can find the protocols and associated material below.

The working group continues to collaborate and share best practices.

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Team Food Island Student Job Bonus


This initiative was created to assist PEI Seafood Processing plants to address labour market challenges in their communities by increasing the recruitment of students (high school and post-secondary) for the processing season. Team Food Island helps PEI students gain experience and earn extra funds to further their education.

Formerly known as Team Seafood, the program has since been expanded to Aquaculture and Agriculture as well, and since 2022 is jointly managed as Team Food Island under the direction of the PEI Seafood Processors Association, and with funding from SkillsPEI.

Under the program, students completing a seasonal job in the seafood processing or aquaculture industries can earn a $1000-$2000 completion bonus. Students going into high school in the fall work a minimum 250 hours to earn a $1000 bonus, and those going into post-secondary studies work 500 hours and earn a $2000 bonus. Employers pay the bonus directly to students upon completion of their work term, and then submit a claim to Team Food Island to be reimbursed for 50% of the total bonuses paid.

For more information and to apply, please visit

Human Resources Policies - Handbook


A workplace free of harassment is our commitment to our employees. We have prepared a detailed policy and program to support this practice.
Effective July 1st 2020, each member has the following Policy posted and practices in place.

These guidelines represent recommendations from the PEI Workers Compensation Board along with HR industry best practices.


A workplace free of discrimination is our commitment to our employees. We have prepared a detailed policy and program to support this practice.

These guidelines represent recommendations from the PEI Human Rights Commission along with HR industry best practices.

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